Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Doctor Angelicus?

Prima vorrei fare una distinzione. Questo ho trovato nel libro de COPLESTON, History of the Philosophy (Medieval Philosophy), p. 567. Mi pare molto interessante per cominciare. Dopo vediamo perché San Tommaso è stato chiamato "Dottore Angelico".

First I would like to make a distinction. This I founded in the book History of the Philosophy (Medieval Philosophy), p. 567 by COPLESTON. It seems to me very interesting to start. Afterwards, let's see why S. Thomas was called "Angelic Doctor".

1. Rhabanus Maurus: Praeceptor Germaniae
2. Abelard: Peripateticus Palatinus
3. Alan of Lille: Doctor universalis
4. Averroes: Commentator
5. Alexander of Hales: Doctor irrefragibilis
6. St. Bonaventura: Doctor seraphicus
7. St.
Albert the Great: Doctor universalis
8. St. Thomas Aquinas: DOCTOR ANGELICUS and Doctor communis
9. Roger Bacon: Doctor mirabilis
10. Richard of Middleton: Doctor solidus
11. Raymond Lull: Doctor illuminatus
12. Giles of Rome: Doctor fundatissimus
13. Henry of Ghent: Doctor solemnis
14. Duns Scotus: Doctor subtilis